Effective Techniques To Convert Website Traffic Into Leads

Getting more number of traffic to your website does not always necessary means that you will generate more revenue, Displaying advertising plays a major role in revenue generation as it gets the lowest revenue per visitor. Studies also suggest that the percentage of internet visitors who actually end up looking at the display ad is only about 27% out of which the click-through rate is even less than 10%.

By promoting a product or service by email marketing is one of the methods to convert website traffic into leads. This technique is known as inbound marketing. Another method for attracting traffic is content marketing which can be done by blogging, writing articles, social media . The following are some of the key factors which will help in converting website traffic into leads

The most effective way to convert a visitor into a lead is the landing page. One can easily collect the contact information from the landing pages . Landing pages in combination with targeted traffic can sometimes give a conversion ratio up to 50 – 60% and sometimes even more than that. The most important thing which can attract the attention of visitors is by promoting sales or offer.

Eg : Travel websites can launch offers related to seasons like “discounts for hotels” which would attract the attention of the visitors and would lead more visitors to land on your website which in turn could turn into leads.

1) Remarket To Your Blog Visitors:

Through remarketing, you can reach out to your people who have once visited your website. It permits you to view visitors ads based on the actions performed by them on your website. Many business websites particularly the e-commerce websites target the users who have not made a purchase or those audiences who might have indicated an interest in a particular product or service

2) Notification Bars:

Big Wide banners present generally on the top of the websites are known as notification bars. Internet users always need to be attentive about notification bars as browsers generally displays warning messages such as “blocked popup” or “missing plugins” in the notification bar. Such notification bars can also be configured so that they stick on the top even when people scroll down through the website this acts an attention grabber. In the notification bar you can also use an email form which can be used for linking to one of the landing pages from the notification bar.

One of the best solutions for notification bar is hellobar.com as they have variety of plans on the no of clicks you will be receiving. Additionally, they also offer split testing offers.

3) Case Studies:

Case studies are another important aspect. About 75% B2B market professionals consider them to be an effective marketing strategy. Case studies act as a recommendations, by which your clients can view your style of work, which would give them an impact and also build trust, which can ultimately help them to turn as leads.

4) Opt-In Forms Present In Sidebars and Below Posts:

One of the best locations for opt-in forms in the sidebar of any blog and the area present below the post. Many people who are not interested in the content also pays a lot of attention to such sidebars. And also when people are done with their reading the blog posts. they are generally clueless about what to be done next, In that case, if you have nothing which would capture their attention then they might just leave and you could lose a potential lead, so in such cases, sidebars act as a savior.