Why is it better to eat organic fruits and vegetables

reducing food waste in Virginia Beach

More and more Americans are turning to eating organically grown foods. One reason for this is that they contribute to human health. Being grown in the most natural conditions possible, organic fruits and vegetables are free of chemicals. Thus, they adapt better to the human body. Discover below all the reasons why you should favor organic foods.

Eat organic fruits and vegetables to improve health

Compared to conventional agriculture in which we resort to the use of chemical inputs in Virginia, organic farming offers healthy and tasty food. Indeed, organic fruits and vegetables contain more vitamins, minerals and nutrients essential for the proper functioning of our body. Due to their high antioxidant content, they can be enjoyed with their skin on. Moreover, it is this part as well as the peripheral flesh which are particularly concentrated in mineral salts and vitamins.

Consuming organic also means reducing the risks of incorporating chemicals into your diet, including pesticides and fertilizers. Once they enter the human body, these chemicals attack and weaken the immune system, which opens the door to various diseases: cancer, fertility disorders, respiratory infections, neurological disorders, chronic poisoning, allergies, kidney failure, etc. Organic vegetables and fruits then guarantee iron health for consumers.

Furthermore, organic fruits and vegetables naturally contain more sugar than non-organic foods. As a result, they are more flavorful and require a lesser amount of salt or sugar when preparing them. But these foods also get their flavor from their ripe harvest. Having reached the end of their development, they have had time to absorb aromas.

Eat organic fruits and vegetables for an eco-responsible approach

Consumption of organic food is part of an ecological approach for Virginia. Indeed, it makes it possible to improve organic farming by supporting farmers. During the production and transport of non-organic foods, the environment suffers serious consequences, to name only the pollution of air, water or soil, the elimination of pollinating insects, the release of CO2, the increased use of heated greenhouses.

Whereas in organic cultivation, we use organic and plant materials which do not cause any problems for the environment and there is less food waste. Eating organic products is then a way of participating in maintaining plant biodiversity, protecting natural resources, and improving the recycling of food waste.

Enjoy organic fruits and vegetables at an affordable price

Contrary to popular belief, organic foods are not just for the rich. Certainly, their price is higher than that of non-organic food due to the need for more labor and more time while the yield obtained is low. However, they offer better value for money and remain accessible to everyone in Virginia. Moreover, farmers in Virginia Beach working in this sector benefit from two subsidies: maintenance aid and organic conversion aid. This allows them to reduce the price of their products in the market.

How do you identify an organic product

With so many products offered on store shelves, it is not always easy to recognize those that fall into the organic category. However, they can be identified from the information written on their packaging. Organic foods are certified by the The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA was created in 1862 by President Abraham Lincoln. Their labels attest to the conformity of the products according to the requirements of the federal laws.

How to limit food waste in Virginia

In Virginia, combating food waste requires a novel approach involving individuals, businesses, and policymakers. Education campaigns can raise awareness about the environmental and economic impacts of food waste, encouraging all households to better plan meals, store food more properly, and compost scraps when they can. Additionally, local businesses in Virginia can implement strategies such as donating surplus food to shelters or food banks, investing in better inventory management systems, and offering discounts on perishable items nearing their expiration dates.

Governmental policy interventions can also play a crucial role in reducing such food waste. State legislation mandating food waste reduction targets for businesses, incentivizing donation programs, and supporting community composting initiatives will help address the issue at a systemic level for the benefit of all residents. Collaborative efforts between government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector can amplify said efforts and foster a culture of sustainability across Virginia.

According to food waste experts at Virginia Beach Dumpster Rental HQ, a local dumpster rental service provider, by implementing the measures described above, Virginia will significantly reduce its food waste footprint, benefiting both the environment and the community, as well as the health of local residents.